Friday, 17 August 2018

Reasons why being emotional is a good thing.


Hello Friends !

Emotions are considered as good or bad. It is taught that you should not show emotions or you should show only good emotions. Good emotions are also called emotions. These are emotions like optimism, enthusiasm, compassion, pride and humour while emotions like anger, guilt, disappointment & fear are considered as negative or bad emotions. We are taught to hide these type of emotions. Good emotions are marked as sign of leadership providing good friends and relationships. 

Being emotional is not a weakness.

First of all, I want to give a little different perspective here. Your emotions are not your weaknesses. 
Humans are emotional beings and there are certain people also there who call themselves emotionless which can never be true. You feel happiness, excitement, joy many times and you also feel anger, fear & sadness sometimes. Emotions are the part of human experience. Even humanity is derived of emotions if you see deeply. Emotions are really very important and without considering them good or bad first, you can say emotions make us human. You can't experience joy without sorrow, peace without anger, and courage without fear. Life is better when we allow ourselves to move through the dark as well as the light. As the leader Golda Meir said, "Those who don't know how to weep with their whole hearts don't know how to laugh either."

No matter from where you belong, what language you speak, what is your region & religion, all humans in every culture laugh, cry and express emotions through facial expressions and posture. Now think here : what would happen if you have no expression on your face ? Does an expressionless face sounds good to you or give a positive faithful feeling ? 

We cry, we help each other, we hug, we groom each other,  we defend, we cuddle, we beam with pride and we console. Sometimes people beat themselves up with shamebased on their needs to connect socially and be appreciated by others. However, seeking other's approval is somewhat other thing which we will discuss later. 

Emotions are the feelings expressed through facial expressions. And thus they affect your communications greatly. When people can't read you, they don't feel safe to share what is on their mind, they can't trust you fully. Or they become agitated for no apparent reason. If you are good at hiding your emotions, you create the experience of talking to a blank wall, which creates anger, fear or frustration in others. If people sense you are angry, afraid or disappointed, they may feel angry or afraid in response. Poker faces confuse more than calm others.

It is neither bad to be emotional or weak but it is a strength. If you are able to express what you feel or you can weep with tears in your eyes, it is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.  Even studies prove that tears are good for your health. They not only takes away pain leaving you much relaxed but also cleanses your eyes. It gives you a feeling of relaxation from stress, tiredness and frustration. 

A Quote by Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight (Jeremy Marsh & Lexis Darnell) says that - The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...

Still, if you feel that being emotional is bad then here are the reasons why being emotional is a good thing. Take a look !

Being emotional is a good thing.



Being emotional means being in touch with your feelings, no matter what they are. People are more likely to open up to an emotional person because they feel like they won't be judged as much and as an emotional person, you can help them do that and really talk about meaningful things with them.


People don't have to play guessing games with you or how you'require feeling. And while some might not realize just how much a strength this is, I hope you do. You're not quick to shut anyone out, no matter how painful or upsetting a situation might be. And that's a special kind of bravery.


Yassss...You have an easier time connecting with people if you are emotional. You're often someone people seek out when they need a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to listen. In today's life, people complain that they are unable to find a person who can listen to them and to whom they can share their problems etc. Your natural empathetic tendencies create a safe space for people, and that's such a beautiful gift to be able to give. 


You care a lot and this is the one quality that everyone seeks today. Caring about others also show you are kind. However, caring about what people say if you do what you want whether it is choosing your field of education or career is another thing. Here, I am talking about just being caring. You get invested in things. That's not a weakness at all. You hand people your heart even if there's the terrifying risk that they will drop it. Some may consider this foolish, but they have it all wrong. That is trust and faith, and both of those things require true courage.


The human brain is kind of (insanely) incredible. The coping & defense mechanisms we conjure up are limitless. We construct ways to keep from feeling too much. We make our ways whether it's as protection or to just survive. We've all done it to some extent. But you know the power in just letting yourself feel. The passion, the disappointment, the hurt, the ache, the bliss, the drive..they all have their merits and you aren't going to shut out an emotion just because it's inconvenient.


You know yourself. You know your worth. You know what you need, and that's not something everyone can easily do. Recognizing your emotional and mental limits, as well as what you require, are important life skills that those emotional people have an advantage doing.


And not just speaking in the romantic sense. You don't try to play it cool or trendy in your detachment. When you love, you love. You show it. And everyone could use more of that in their lives. True love is a bliss and you love truly by heart. There are least chances that you betray someone or be unkind and believe it is one of the biggest strengths.


Things can only stay bottled up for so long, & we've all known people who had something finally set them off. Then proceeded to explode all over the damn place. This is a very very grotesque, harsh, unaesthetic & jarring experience. That's a pretty unlikely and unpleasant scenario for you. Because you're open with sharing what's bothering you, you aren't storing away tons of resentment.


You know how important it is to have a community of people you can trust is, so, without a doubt, you'll be there for friends and family when they face any problem or encounter hard times. You try to help them and will not leave them along struggling during their difficult times. You don't shy away from the painful or awkward. You embrace it & offer to help the best of your ability.


Contrary to popular belief, emotional people aren't sitting in a corner in the fatal position all day along. Emotional does not equal mess. You do quite well in getting things done because you posses emotional intelligence. You understand how to talk to people, to connect, to assess, to solve problem. All very valuable assets in life & career.

Even nonpositive emotions can make a big difference if they are turned into right direction. Visit next post of this blog to know how to put your nonpositive emotions to good use.

Hence, Being emotional is not a bad thing at all. It is not a weakness.  As Brigitte Nicole had said -
"Never apologise for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you've got a big heart and aren't afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength."

😊 Smile & Take Care  !


               A Post By Admin.
Author - Swatti Sharrma ß


©Simply Beautiful ß
Swatti Sharrma ß

Disclaimer - This blog is not intended to any person, community, caste, race or anything. Peace is what we humans need. This blog is for articles on life and poems and it is neither related to nor it portrays  any person or community. It is for entertainment purpose and on life & being social only..A thought to be expressed. It is a spiritual journey. It may contain copyrighted poems, articles or pictures belonging to this blog.


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